NWS Des Moines log, Stardate: 100659.68: a strange large orange fireball is present in the sky and is emerging above the tree line. Also, the sky has turned...BLUE? Further investigation is required to determine the existence of these rare phenomena. #iawxpic.twitter.com/GL0EgVLO7b
Retweeted Rob Sand (@RobSandIA): This bill gives private schools your tax dollars, and gives you no right to know what they are doing with them. pic.twitter.com/BsWfdGY0fb
Retweeted Adam Savage (@donttrythis): 20 years ago today a 35-year-old version of myself debuted on a @discovery TV series, fundamentally changing my life from the roots up in the best way. Happy anniversary to everyone involved with @mythbusters and its premiere! We made something to be proud of! #MythBusterspic.twitter.com/mnLoaK0X0l
Rep. Tom Moore, R-Griswold, one of nine Iowa House Republicans to vote against passage of #IAGov Kim Reynolds school choice bill, said he voted no because of strong opposition from his constituents, even though his district is conservative. pic.twitter.com/HPLL8nemih
Retweeted Adam Zabner (@AdamZabner): Imagine living in a town whose only elmentary won’t accept your kid because of your religion, a disability, or behavioral problems. Under the governor’s voucher plan, that could happen and your taxes would be paying for a school where your child isn't welcome.