Thanks to the incredible generosity of a good friend, I now have an Xbox. Of course, once that happened, I had to get a copy of "Halo 2" and an Xbox Live account. As the subject would suggest, I wound up with the Gamertag Grumpy Jedi.
You have to keep in mind that I got into the game about 3.5 years late (there were 2 million Xbox Live users this time last year), so my choices were pretty limited. When you consider that, "Grumpy Jedi" isn't too bad; it's even grown on me since I picked it.
I've always been a sucker for statistics. Bungie, the company behind Halo, provides detailed statistics on every game played on Xbox Live right on their site. You can view mine here.
Many sites use Bungie's RSS feed to take things a step further. stores all the game information for each person that signs up on their site (for free, by the way). Unlike Bungie, Haloader does not purge these games. Here's my Haloader page. Over at, they offer this little gem of a forum signature, given a Gamertag:
I've had Live for one week now and have played "Halo 2" on it each night. I'm obsessed. I suppose if anyone that reads this regularly also plays "Halo 2" on Live, send me a friend request. It might not be a bad idea to identify yourself using your real name in that request, though.