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Wednesday, June 30th, 2004
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Blog Entry Posted at 11:20:26 PM CDT
How to Drive
I've wanted to write this for a long time and finally had a bad enough day to do just that.

One of my biggest pet peeves are people that have no clue how to drive, but exude a remarkable confidence in their driving. Although I may qualify as one of those people, there are some basics that I practice that would be nice if other people would fall in line and do the same:

  1. Drive Around the Speed Limit
    Average roads are neither the Indianapolis Motor Speedway nor your grandma's driveway. Get close to the speed limit. Going 15 under is just as dangerous as 15 over, in my opinion. If the speed limit is 50, at least go 45. If you're not cresting 35, I'm ready to use my car and give you the push you clearly need. Of course, if the roads are slicker that Vaseline-covered snot, you probably should slow down.

  2. Yield to Drivers Entering a Freeway / Interstate
    How to Drive (51.14 KB)
    Just because you have to hit the next exit doesn't give you the right to be a complete ass and use the only available lane for folks getting on the interstate, especially when there are two empty lanes next to you. If you're a worth-a-damn driver, you'll foresee this situation and figure a way to speed up or slow down to avoid such a confrontation.

  3. Use the Entrance Ramp
    Never hit the end of an entrance ramp going 35 mph. You should be at about the same speed as the other traffic when you hit it so that you don't hit it.

  4. Turn Signals
    Use them. It's just that simple. If you're going to change a lane, let people know before you just do it. Also, if you're turning left and there's a car across from you also wanting to turn left and you're not in an intersection that has left turn lanes, it's helpful to the other driver to know that you're turning. Dumbass.

  5. Know When You're Too Old
    If you can't see the top of the steering wheel, more than likely you need to stay at home or have your middle-aged grandchildren drive you around. Besides, traffic laws have changed since the model-T.

  6. Have Somewhere to Go First: Part 1
    Why is it that there's always that one driver that sincerely believes that if they complete ride the tail of the person that's stuck behind 14 other cars that magically traffic will clear? If there's nowhere to go, give up. Don't ride so close behind someone that someone might think you're car is a 5th wheel. Slow down and wait your turn. There's traffic. Deal with it.

  7. Have Somewhere to Go First: Part 2
    If you're at a stop light and the traffic is backed up just up to the intersection in front of you, stay at the stop line for the intersection. Yet again, there's no where for you to go. Just hold back and wait. The only thing you're going to accomplish by going is blocking traffic going the other direction. From what I've heard, this is actually a law in New York City.

  8. It's Just an SUV, Not a Tank
    SUV's can't do everything, despite what the commercials would have you believe. If the roads are icy, your SUV will slide just as easily as a Taurus would. Mother Nature is seldom convenient.

  9. Take the Initiative
    If you're at a four-way stop sign and cars pull up at the same time you do, the four of you looking at each other will not resolve your dilemma. Someone must go. Hopefully one of you isn't a Cornhusker or Cardinals fan and will realize this before you die of starvation in your driver's seat.

    And by far the most difficult of all:

  10. Have Common Sense
    Everything I've listed here is common sense to me, but clearly not to everyone. Just think things through a little. Drive carefully. Honestly, you might be running late, but would you rather arrive a couple minutes late or not arrive at all?

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