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Welcome to the group administration area of The Lincoln Drumline Website. I'm Brent, former Lincoln Drumline Captain (2000-2001), and your web guru. Feel free to ask me questions. You can reach me at

Need your UserID and Password?

I didn't want to take the time to create some sort of automated password retrieval system, so this is what I created: E-mail me. Tell me your name, provide some sort of evidence that you are who you say you are, and I'll give you your UserID and Password. Once you have them, you will be able to log in and change them; they're pretty generic.

General Information
  • Comments? Suggestions? Bug reports?
    E-mail me and let me know.

  • Want administrative priveleges?
    If you are interested in being of the few privileged that has access to the website administration area (where you can update links, the calendar, immediately change bios, approve of others' changes to their bios, etc.), talk to me.

  • Questions?
    Other than what I already mentioned, your Captain should be who you talk to first about ALL website issues. I am available for your questions, but asking someone in person will probably be quicker. However, I'd most likely be most able to answer your question.
Change Website Information
  • What You CAN Do
    This allows you to change certain parts of your "bio" that appears on the public website. With the exception of your UserID and Password, your changes will be submitted for review before they will appear on the website. Your UserID and Password, however, will be changed immediately.

  • What you CANNOT Do
    You are not able to modify any other parts of the website (including other bios) nor can you immediately change any part of your viewable information. As mentioned above, your UserID and Password will be changed immediately. You will also notice that you cannot change your picture on the site. This is for a variety of reasons; I'll save you the details. If you'd like your picture changed, e-mail me the new picture and I'll put it up for you.

  • The Process
    1. You submit your changes
    2. An e-mail notification about the submitted changes is sent to all the folks with Administrative Priveleges
    3. Your changes are reviewed/modified, rejected/approved.
    4. You will receive an e-mail notification upon rejection/approval with a link directly to your bio if you have an e-mail address in the system.
Last updated: Tuesday, September 29, 2015 at 07:41:14 PM MDT
Currently in Des Moines:
Mostly Clear, 57°
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5:25:56 AM CDT
Friday, March 14th, 2025








